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September 2023

Welcome back! We all hope you had a fantastic summer holiday and enjoyed the sunshine when it was out.
Staff and students have had a great first few weeks back and all the children have settled into their classes really well.
We have a lot to look forward to this month, including Sports Day! The children are very excited to take part and we will keep our fingers crossed for dry weather. Please see times below.


15th Sept - Curriculum leaflets to be sent home
19th Sept - Sports Day Y6&5
20th Sept - Sports Day Y4&3
21st Sept - Sports Day Y2&1
22nd Sept - Charity walk for Teddy Toddle
26th Sept - European Day of Languages
26th Sept- Flu vaccination (separate email will follow with details)
29th Sept - Macmillan Coffee Afternoon/Cake Sales
2nd, 3rd & 4th Oct - Grandparents Lunches
6th Oct -National Poetry Day
17th Oct KS1 Disco
19th Oct - KS2 Disco
WC 30th Oct - Bikeability for Year 5


Going to school regularly is important for your child’s future.
School starts: 8.45am
School ends: 3.15pm
All pupils are required to be in school everyday by 8:45am ready to learn.
Parents are legally responsible for making sure that children go to school.



Please check your ParentPay accounts if you wish to book a school dinner for your child. If your account is in debt you will not be able to book a lunch until the account has been cleared. 

Lunch Menu


Warm Weather
Please remember to send your child to school with water (no juices) during the warm weather so they can keep hydrated when playing outside at break and lunch times. Children will also need to have sun protection applied before school and a named bottle sent in if required during the day


Child Absence
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school you will need to telephone the attendance line 01733 232949 option 1


Wrap Around Care Club
If your child attends the club and you need to contact Mrs Rose during the session please
contact her on the clubs number - 07541644794
If you are in receipt of any childcare benefits please use our registration number 110743 to claim help towards the payments.


Grandparents Lunch
If you have more than one child eating lunch with their grandparent please email with the details of each child's name and class so we can make sure their teachers are aware.
Please note, due to restrictions in the hall and health and safety reasons, numbers will be limited.

The charge for the grandparents meal is £3.00. You will only need to pay for this once. Your child(ren)’s meal
will be paid for on ParentPay in the normal way.
If your child would like to have lunch with their grandparent but doesn’t want a school meal, they can sit and
eat their packed lunch with them, once you have booked a Grandparent’s lunch on ParentPay.


If your child attends After School Club on a Friday and would like to buy something at the tuck shop please send their money in a sealed and labelled envelope (we can not accept loose change) with their name and what they would like to buy and this can be
organised throughout the day ready for them to bring home with them.


P.E Kit
Please note that there is now a change in guidance from the previous year and children are to come in p.e kit on their p.e days
only. If children have after school clubs on, they are to come into school wearing school uniform and change into p.e clothes for clubs.


Teddy Toddle
Reception and Year 1 will be taking part in the Teddy Toddle charity event on 22nd September. A local family with children at Leighton Primary and Preschool have joined together with the school to spearhead the event.
Here are words from mum about the charity and what it means to them:
‘My twin boys, Fox and Leo, are in year 1 and loving every minute. Leo was born with a rare condition called
oesophageal atresia and tracheo-oesophageal fistula, meaning that his oesophagus did not fully form in the
womb and the bottom half was attached to his airways. He had life saving surgery at four days old and has
had two surgeries since (with a potential additional major surgery upcoming) and has ongoing issues with
reflux and oesophageal dysmotility.
The charity TOFS, who support families like ours organise an annual 'Teddy Toddle', where children and adults
alike are encouraged to walk (or skip/run/dance etc.) 5k over one week, whilst raising money (every penny
counts as the charity receives no government funding).
Leighton Primary have been a fantastic support to us as a family and to Leo, with all staff involved taking the
time to understand and look after his needs. We're very excited that the school are getting involved with the
TOFS charity and look forward to future fundraising events!’
More details on the TOFS charity and OA/TOF conditions here:
Reception and Year 1 children taking part will receive a sponsorship form to give to family and friends. If
anyone from the school community would like to donate towards the charity, please send cash donations in.


Reception and Secondary (Year 7) admissions
You can now apply for either your child's secondary or Reception school place for September
2024. Please use the links below to find all relevant information and to apply through
Peterborough City Council.

Secondary places
Secondary School Application Link
Reception places.
Primary School Application


Please remember to sign up to the National Online Safety page to be able to find more factsheets like these to help keep your children safe online If you download the National Online Safety app on your mobile phones or ipads/tablets then create an account adding Leighton Primary School in the relevant section. A free online safety guide looking at the benefits of setting boundaries around video gaming to help young people learn healthy online habits The risk of contact from strangers is just one of the reasons that many parents are concerned about their child’s gaming: increased screen time, inappropriate content and in-game spending also figure among the most frequent fears. Agreeing on some rules around your child’s gaming activities
can certainly help, and our guide has some useful tips for establishing these boundaries.



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