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Our Curriculum

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself."

At Leighton, we believe in ‘bringing learning to life’ by exploring a range of subjects in depth and detail. Leaders and teachers have designed an ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum, carefully designed to meet the needs of our pupils. The curriculum is supplemented by challenging tasks and activities in the classroom, hosting inspiring visitors, and further extended into the wider community with trips in the local area and beyond, in order to develop our pupils’ cultural capital.

Our intent is to provide pupils with a curriculum that places powerful knowledge at the heart of learning, providing the best understanding of the natural and social worlds that enables them to go beyond their own individual experiences. We hold a deep respect for the power of each unique subject and discipline, in the role of shaping our pupils for life in modern Britain.

In the early years and key stage 1, we place a strong emphasis on the teaching of phonics and early reading. Teachers prioritise fluency in reading, writing and mathematics, ensuring these subjects are interwoven into the wider curriculum. This provides pupils with the critical knowledge and skills required to access a broad curriculum at key stage 2 and beyond.

We strive to offer an inspiring curriculum that provides a meaningful learning experience that is knowledge-rich, inclusive and tailored to meet the needs of our diverse school community. A strong foundation in the core subjects of English, mathematics and science underpins Leighton’s commitment to grow excellence across the whole curriculum in order for our pupils to know more, remember more and be able to do more. We use the Early Years, Foundation Curriculum and National Curriculum as a starting point and expand on a range of topics and subjects with depth and precision. 

Pupils at Leighton will receive a curriculum that is:

  • Broad and balanced;

  • Ambitious, challenging and inspiring;

  • Coherently planned and sequenced, building on prior knowledge;

  • Adapted and modified to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities;

Leighton offers equal opportunities to every child from all backgrounds, regardless of gender, beliefs, sexuality, disability, and ethnicity in all aspects of the curriculum and school life.