Year 1
Spring Term
A huge welcome back to all Year 1’s. We are really impressed with how well the children have transitioned from the Reception classes into Year 1.
Our Spring term theme is ‘Space’. Through shared reading, writing and carefully planned continuous provision the children will be learning about our planet, the solar system and space travel.
In English lessons, the children will continue to develop their sentence writing focusing on letter formation, sentence structure and simple punctuation. The children will be retelling the story ‘Whatever Next!’ by writing the beginning, middle and end of the story.
We will then be moving onto writing a Non-Chronological report. We will be learning about the features of a Non-Chronological report. We will be learning exciting facts about Space and presenting these in our own reports.
Children read with a teacher or teaching assistant three times a week in their Little Wandle reading practice sessions. We send the same book home on a Friday. We ask that children read at home as much as possible to become fluent and confident readers. The decodable books are carefully matched to the children’s phonic knowledge. Please record your child’s reading in their reading record.
Daily maths and fluency lessons will enable your child to secure their understanding of numbers to twenty. They will learn to write numerals and number words to build fluency when understanding mathematical questions. Deepening your child’s understanding further, we will introduce addition and subtraction within twenty. We will use concrete resources such as number lines and tens frames to embed these skills. Utilising these resources will support in building your child’s confidence when finding solutions to worded math problems. Alongside our math lessons, we support maths fluency with daily lessons to embed key skills such as number bonds within 20.
In their science lessons the Year 1 children will be learning about different materials. In history the children will be learning about Space Travel. The children will be learning about People and Communities and contrasting other areas of the world with our local area.
PE will be taught on Fridays and we ask all children to come to school dressed in their PE kit. With weather on our side, we will be outside as much as possible so please dress accordingly.
We are really looking forward to this year and continuing your child's learning journey. If you need to contact us, please don't hesitate to message us on class dojo or email us on